Contact information

Mailing address
126 King Street West, Unit 1
Stoney Creek, ON L8G 0A9

Call us
Tel: +1 905-662-9437
Fax: +1 855-275-4051

Meet with us

Let’s connect
Visit Fiscal Performance
Whether dropping off your paper work or for in-house training services, visit the Fiscal Performance team at the office in Stoney Creek, between Greenhill Avenue and Centennial Parkway South.
Year Ends Completed
High-Fives Enable
Coffees Inhaled
Our business partners
Meaningful partnerships are the foundation for success.
Strategic alliances enable us to make continuous improvements and gain access to resources we might not have had previously. Fiscal Performance has created several strategic partnerships with other like-minded businesses so that we can support and provide value-added services such as accounting, design, writing and much more!
Ask today how we can help you gain a competitive advantage through access to one of our partner’s resources!